Global media platform TED has declined to post a talk that touts the benefits of the carnivorous “Lion Diet.”
Speaker Mikhaila Peterson, who claims eating nothing but meat reversed her autoimmune disorder, instead shared the video to YouTube. There, she stressed that “this is something that should be taken seriously.”
Peterson – CEO of a brand called The Lion Diet – performed the speech at an independently organized TEDx event in Roseville, California.
Mikhaila Peterson’s TED talk
During the talk, Peterson told audience members about her lengthy battles with a multitude of health issues. Some of her complaints started at just two-years-old. And when she was 17, Peterson had her hip and ankle replaced, she said.
“I’m here to talk about how I put my idiopathic autoimmune disorder, and mood disorder, and chronic fatigue into remission,” said Peterson, who hosts an eponymously named podcast.
The key? No fruits, vegetables, nuts, or legumes. Just “beef, lamb, salt, and water,” she stated.
Peterson suggested eliminating most foods from her diet helped free her from “crippling arthritis,” as well as mouth ulcers, rashes, and itchiness. Further, her meat-only lifestyle also tackled her depression, anxiety, and visual hallucinations, she said.
Anecdotal evidence
The animal meat diet has helped other people too, Peterson claims.

She said that her father – psychology professor and author Jordan Peterson, who boasts 2.3 million Twitter followers – also experienced health benefits after adopting the Lion Diet.
Jordan, now an advocate of the lifestyle too, has been at the center of his fair share of controversy. Jordan made headlines in recent years due to his vocal disapproval of transgender rights and parts of the modern feminist movement. In 2018, The Guardian warned that the professor’s “pseudo-facts” are “dangerous.”
During her TED talk, Peterson acknowledged that her proof is purely anecdotal.
“I’ve been talking about this diet to spread awareness in hopes that the medical community can take something like this seriously,” she explained.
“I’ve talked to thousands of people with autoimmune disorders who have done similar things and seen similar results.”
She later added: “It’s not cool to be this restricted and it’s not cool to have an autoimmune disorder. And people who are sick feel isolated and miserable. So I’m trying to make it cool. But what would be really cool would be if the medical community could take this seriously and do some case studies. That’s it.”
TEDx’s response
Peterson’s presentation was met with a standing ovation, but the media giant TED seemed less impressed.
Out of all of the talks delivered at that particiular TEDx conference, Peterson said in her YouTube video, hers is the only one that the media organization “refused to post.”
The Lion Diet founder said she went “back and fourth” with TEDx for four months in an attempt to persuade the company to share her content.
In what appears to be an email sent to Peterson, the organization wrote that the talk “did not adhere to our content guidelines and will not be added to the TEDx channel at this time.
“We are especially mindful of talks that discuss health and healing, particularly in the context of incurable disease, to ensure no audience members misinterpret the idea. While speakers can be honest about their personal interpretation and experiences, nuance is incredibly important when discussing illness and disease.
“While it may not be a speaker’s intention to offer a prescription, using anecdotal evidence without sufficient scientific support poses special concern, particularly when it’s used to speculate on the cause, cure, or treatment of disease.”
Indeed, the company’s website confirms that its platforms are for shining a light on “genuine advances in science that are backed by research.”
Evidence for meat-only diets
Peterson, whose YouTube video on the topic has amassed more than 615,000 views in four days, pointed to one study that she says supports her claims.
The research was published in November 2021. It looked at 2,029 adults who had been consuming a completely or mostly carnivorous diet for at least six months. Eighty-three percent of participants were white, and 67 percent were male.
On average, most (85 percent) of respondents consumed red meat at least once a day. This opposes the nutrition recommendations of a majority of health bodies around the world. Namely, due to red meat’s links to heart disease and cancer.
Fewer than 10 percent of participants said they eat vegetables, fruits, or grains more than once a month.
Further, 37 percent said they never take vitamin supplements; it’s not clear whether the supplements taken by most other participants contained plant-based ingredients. More than 67 percent occasionally made “exceptions from the carnivore diet.”
A vast majority (95 percent) reported improvements in their overall health after adopting the diet.
Study limitations
The researchers noted that the results contradict previous studies. And that their findings must be “interpreted cautiously” due to the presence of “several major design limitations.”
For instance, the study based its findings on self-reported data. Researchers looked at the “perception of individuals,” and did not “objectively assess diet, nutrient status, health-related outcomes, or confounding health-associated behaviors,” the paper confirms. Moreover, researchers did not complete any physiological or biochemical measurements.

Because of this, data could be influenced by recall and reporting bias, researchers said.
“Specifically, participants may have started the diet during a time of poor health and perceived subsequent regression to the mean as a benefit of the diet and being online community members may have resulted in over-reporting of adherence and perceived beneficial effects,” they explained. One such online group, the World Carnivore Tribe on Facebook, has upwards of 57,000 members.
Additionally, respondents generally reported high levels of other health-centered behaviors, such as physical activity, and very low intakes of alcohol and processed foods. These factors could also contribute to the findings.
The paper’s notes section includes several disclosures from the researchers involved. Two of the four study authors – Belinda Lennerz and Owen Henn, who were in charge of conducting and analyzing the data – received grants from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
The institute is a part of the US’ National Institutes of Health (NIH), which has come under fire in recent months due to its link to gruesome taxpayer-funded experiments on dogs and monkeys.
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, which is also part of the NIH, funded another study author, Jacob Mey. The final author, David Ludwig, disclosed that he reports royalties for books that recommend carbohydrate-modified diets. He too has received a number of grants from the NIH.
Vegan diets and health outcomes
Peterson, who has nearly half a million YouTube subscribers, pointed out in her video that TEDx has shared many talks that promote veganism. Notably, in October 2021, TED held its first-ever in-person climate conference, and only served vegan food.
In recent years, a ballooning number of researchers have uncovered the benefits of a plant-based diet.
A study published this month, for example, found that eating less meat and dairy and more plant-based foods could add 10 years to one’s lifespan.
Further, in August last year, two longitudinal studies concluded that a diet rich in whole plant-based foods can lower the risk of heart disease.
Separate research from 2021, which studied 10,000 participants, discovered that plant-based diets can cut the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
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Can you imagine the state of her colon? What a class A imbecile. She even admitted on Joe Rogan that an elimination diet was working for her. Then she shifted to an all meat diet, she sells meat boxes did you know? $$$, follow the money.
Well said Matt! Perhaps people will take less notice of brain dead celebrities and start thinking for themselves. That goes for all so called diets.
Except for whole foods plant based diets. They have been shown to be the healthiest time and time again.
In your opinion Matt. Plant based? Or Plant only? There’s a difference. If you can give it a title, don’t follow it ie. Paleo, vegan, low carb, high carb, keto, carnivore etc.
Definition of diet: Matching food intake to individual nutritional requirements.
Latest scientific evidence: each individual reacts differently to various foods ie. Not one size fits all. I found that out the hard way.
Not my opinion Rowland. A whole foods plant based diet is the only diet shown to reverse atherosclerosis, T2DM, it optimizes brain health and promotes longevity. It reduces morbidly and mortality rates, no other diet has been shown to do that.
A whole foods plant based diet is characterised by a diet of whole minimumly processed plant foods, with no oil. The closer a diet is to this model the better the outcome. While we can have different specific needs, we are all of the same species. We are not unique little snowflakes requiring totally individualised diets. Like any species of animal there is a general optimal diet. That diet is a whole foods plant based diet.
If you’d like to get into evidence we can do that.
Plant Based? or Plant Only.
Plant based is good, plant only is optimal. Because animal foods contain inflamitory components the less animal foods the better. It’s helpful conceptually if you understand animal based foods as junk food. Avoiding junk food is obviously good for your health.
It’s the answer I anticipated. Matt you come across as a well meaning and well read individual, but you suffer from one serious problem. You’ve allowed yourself to be indoctrinated into a pseudo religious cult that won’t accept accept animal usage of any kind regardless of the evidence. My initial post was to congratulate you on your comments about the celebrity and her stupid diet, only to be met with yet another load of vegan propaganda, A simple acknowledgement would have been ample. You could take a leaf out of the writing’s of the 12th century priest and philosopher Peter Abelard, who when asked why he doubted the scriptures replied “ Through doubting we come to questioning through questioning we arrive at the truth”
That’s exactly what I did with the mainstream belief that meat is necessary and healthy. It’s neither. I questioned that assumption and arrived at the truth. You however seem bound by that false assumption.
(Mic drop)
I would like to point out that Veganism is an action word. It is a lifestyle, not a diet.
Plant based diet is the precise terminology for a “plant only” diet.
Rowland Ross, you want facts but the truth is you wouldn’t accept them if they were handed to you on a platter…
It’s telling Rowland that you view veganism as “pseudo religious cult”. A group of people committed to the end of animal exploitation and abuse. I wonder if you feel the same way about practitioners of “the lion diet”? One group advocates against exploitation, the other does nothing but eat flesh all day. A lifestyle which if adopted widely would insure the death of the biosphere and create a population riddled with cancer. Now that sounds like a death cult to me.
Vegans consider animals as beings, not resources. If you find that offensive maybe let the scales fall from you own eyes and see the truth: We don’t need to exploit other beings to thrive. Sure we can work with them to create a rich ecosystem that produces ample food for ourselves. But there is no need to breed them in unnatural conditions, to put a price tag on them, or to eat the flesh from their bones. That’s carnism, the unseen cult that holds sway over the vast population. Never questioning, never evolving, just following the heard.
You just don’t understand me do you! I’m a very hard nosed Biocentrist, so to me every organism on this planet has an equal role to play wether it be a microbe a plant or an elephant, by the same token nature is a food chain in which everything exists to be eaten, including us. In the time it took you to write your reply millions of sentient creatures have been killed and eaten, not by us but by other sentient creatures, and for some incomprehensible reason you think modern humans are different or have evolved. The real evil is THE SIZE OF THE HUMAN POPULATION and the way it exploits nature. You may may look at a field of wheat and call it natures bounty, I see it as a desert devoid of life. I have been fully aware of this situation for the last fifty years and have campaigned against it. I’ll leave you with a quote, which unless you’ve lived close to nature you will never understand but give it a try.
“The animals had rights- the right of mans protection, the right to live, the right to multiply, the right to freedom and the right to mans in-indebtedness- and in recognition of these rights the Lacota never enslaved an animal, and spared all life that was not needed for food and clothing” Chief Luther Standing Bear, Teton Sioux.
For animals read “all life forms”
PS. No reply required since I know what you’ll have to say anyway.
So if I’m going to say that: We no longer need animals for food or clothing, then why not follow the example of Chief Luther Standing Bear and spare their lives? That would make you vegan. Or are his opinions part of pseudo religious cult too?
As per normal you havn’t taken in what I’ve said. I said “all life forms” so why single out animals.
Allow me to compare two quotes:
“The animals had rights- the right of mans protection, the right to live, the right to multiply, the right to freedom and the right to mans in-indebtedness- and in recognition of these rights the Lacota never enslaved an animal, and spared all life that was not needed for food and clothing”
“Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment.”
Which quote is from Chief Luther Standing Bear and which quote is from The Vegan Society? They are essentially saying the same thing. Then why venerate one yet stigmatize the other? Chief Luther Standing Bear would be vegan by those standards today in part because of this simple ecological fact, which I know you know so don’t pretend that you don’t: Primary consumers are responsible for 10 times less plant consumption than secondary consumers. As energy moves from one trophic level to another. Vegans are primary consumers, omnivores both primary, secondary and tertiary consumers in some cases. Carnivores like Machala Peterson consume the most destructive and elitist diet on the planet.
So by Chief Luther Standing Bear’s own values it is vegans that consume the least amount of life forms. We consume vastly less life forms and occupy vastly less land for our own sustenance. So understanding that why do you have a problem with us? You call us a cult, when we tread more softly on the earth as we live our values. Get with the program and start supporting us because for one we free up more land for you to regenerate back to a natural state. And baring depopulation isn’t that your endgame here?
Its exactly my endgame! In order to achieve this you require: De-carbonisation, De-industrialisation, De- Population as well as Agricultural and Land Reform. So what exactly does a fundamentalist animal rights group have to do with this. If this were enacted with the current population level it would require a dramatic reduction in the consumption of animal foods. But less is not the same as none.
Less meat consumption is always a good thing. Especially less cheap meat. Our immediate problem is an increasing amount of global meat consumption driven by CAFO meat in developing countries. So here an ideological spread of veganism would greatly benefit the biosphere. So why do you rail against that? We should aim to keep our trophic level as close to 2 as possible.
From: Researchers calculate human trophic level for first time, notice the increase of trophic level over time? We need to halt and reverse that increase.
A few points Matt And then call it a day.
Trophic levels are of no consequence in no input farming since animals are not fed ( mimics natural food chain ).
Idealism has no part to play, only practical measures that seek to minimise or eliminate damage to the biosphere count.
Veganism is a fundamentalist animal rights movement that enters into any discussion from the fixed position of no animal usage. It therefore has a minimal contribution to make on environmental issues.
Animal agriculture emits around 16% of emmisions, eliminating that 16% would help us A LOT in our goal against climate change.
Can’t remember defending current animal agriculture. Mixed no input agriculture has zero emissions ( 0ver time )
I think we have already agreed that “natural” agricultural systems would produce significantly less meat. So the world will require everyone to become reducitarians/vegans. So you will need vegans to create such a world. You don’t seem to get that.
Don’t tell me what veganism is, I know what it is. I’ve been vegan 9 years. Vegans are against the comodification and exploitation of animals. But the “use”? Worms enrich our soil. Insects pollinate our plants. Countless other interactions in our oceans and forests keep our environment in working order. Vegans aren’t against working in harmony with animals. We are against chopping them up and slapping on a price tag.
You are gonna need us to achieve your goals, but you don’t understand us. You call us a cult, fundamentalists, but you have no idea how badly you need us.
The cult you should consern yourself with is the cult of consumption, and the cult of meat eating. Neither healty, necessary, or sustainable. But you have created a fantasy world where people can go on eating it. We live in the real world here. No imagined ideal can replace mas behavioural change. Before you can create your prehistoric utopia we need to survive the next 50 years.
My My we have hit a nerve haven’t we! Spoken like a well indoctrinated fundamentalist. As I’ve said before if you want an answer to my posts let me know and I’ll do one for you on behalf of the genuine PO (plant only) advocates (not members of the current vegan movement).
PS. I’ve probably forgotten more about veganism than most vegans have ever learnt ( My Godmother was a friend of Donald Watson (who is probably turning over in his grave )
You’ve hit a nerve? Why do you spend so much time on here disparaging veganism? If your regenerative ag model were to be implemented overall meat production would be reduced by at least 80%. How are you going to achieve that without a significant percentage of the population being vegan? You think the bloated diabetes ridden population of the US is capable of cutting meat consumption by 80%? Some will reduce, some will become vegan, some will continue as they always have.
Perhaps you had a vegan drop you on your head when you were a baby. Who knows where your animosity comes from. I trust you spend as much time on keto and carnivore websites. Because they are your real enemy.
Out of curiosity how would you define the difference between vegans and PO advocates? A thing that you appear to have just made up.
Yes It’s term I use for many one time vegans who became disenchanted with the vegan movement and the direction it was going. This was primarily due to the use of violence by animal rights activists ( Watson was a lifelong pacifist) and the disinformation and propaganda being pushed by newly emerging groups such as PETA. My one time university lecturer ( a vegan since his teens ) was so incensed by this that he organised an “ Animal Rights Discussion Weekend”in which two animal rights speakers were invited to attend. The audience consisted of lecturers and students from the departments of: Environment, Agriculture, Human Evolution, Philosophy of the Environment, and Animal Behaviour. The result was a complete humiliation of the two speakers. Although I was never personally attacked, a deer stalker working on a university conservation project I was involved in, was both verbally and physically abused, This was only one of many instances which included the exhumation of a body for extortion. What nice caring people? The violence may have stopped but the attitude hasn’t changed So what do you want to be Matt? An indoctrinated fundamentalist or a PO advocate that thinks for themselves and is tolerant enough to work with other people to create a better world, even though you may have to compromise some of you principles.
I’m a proud vegan. But I don’t get involved in protests, vigils, public shaming or any kind of violence. My interest in non-violence extends to all life forms, one of the central tenants of my personal ethics that leads me to be vegan.
You are talking about a small minority of radicalized individuals that frankly don’t really understand what it is to be vegan.
So plants aren’t a life form?
I only consume what is necessary for survival. If eating meat were necessary then by definition it wouldn’t be immoral. As I have covered as a primary consumer I am responsible for significantly less plant deaths.
So since it’s necessary for millions across the globe and for myself, it’s not immoral.
IF it’s truly necessary. I have heard some incorrect ideas from you about starches. I wonder about your understanding of nutrition. If you are some variety of low carber. Unless you have some rare genetic disorder that I am not aware of I don’t know how its possible that you need meat nutritionally.
Animal foods were necessary for the best part of 6 million yrs and they are still in the right qualities and quality. Unlike you my nutritional knowledge has been gained by a lifetimes practical experience and isn’t driven by dogma or personal moral values.
By by Matt, continue to enjoy your indoctrination
When we were fish we ate other fish too.
When we were shrews we ate insects.
Homo erectus ate cooked yams.
You do realize this is a mainly vegan communit…
I believe that I understand your biase against vegans now. As I’m sure you understand we have been having these “comments section” conversations for a long time now. All that time I have wondered why you spend so much time here. Now I understand that you would disband the very term “vegan” which means nothing more than strict vegetarian. A person that does not eat animal products. You want to replace the term vegan with “PO advocate”.
While you rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic we need real solutions. That includes regenerative agriculture and plant only diets. If regenerative agriculture benefits from using wild animals that are not comodifide, as a vegan I support that. Because I too am a biocentrist. One of the reasons that I am vegan. Can’t you see the obvious benefits of demeatifying urban centres? Regardless of your own bias against those whom call themselves vegan.
No bias against vegans that act with tolerance and don;t try and push their beliefs onto others, or in the case of various vegan movements using lies and disinformation. On PBN on the last days I have read several articles that are grossly inaccurate and merely designed to heighten the emotive content.
When a predator kills an animal for food it’s not classed as a commodity, when a human does the same it’s classed as a commodity, both are mammals, Interesting? Or are you suggesting that humans are superior (Anthropomorphism).
The use of non domestic animals in mixed farming is a complete non starter.
The decisions on what foods we eat should be based on what the soil can produce, If you cant eat steak once a day or cereals for breakfast “ tough”
Biocentrists value all forms of life as equal, for the greater part predation is the norm. Wildebeests predate grass, lions predate wildebeests.
Viruses and bacteria have every right to exist.
If you kill and eat an animal for survival that is different from farming them for profit. That’s commodification. Viruses are not life forms the way we define life. I value consciousness which is the rarest thing in the universe. Funny how people who can’t quit meat are so concerned with plants rights. We call that the “plants tho” argument.
No such thing as rights, plant human or animal. “the concept of rights is nonsense, the concept of inalienable rights is nonsense on stilts” Jeremy Bentham. All is equal!
All is equal = nothing matters.
I was ready to jump in and ask for the scientific, peer review data (it’s always laughable quality science). But when I saw you write “plany only is optimal” I realized I’d be wasting my time because you’re fucking full of shit. You’re no scientist, so go study and learn to become one before you play with the big boys.
Can you imagine the state of her colon? What a class A imbecile. She even admitted on Joe Rogan that an elimination diet was working for her. Then she shifted to an all meat diet, she sells meat boxes did you know? $$$, follow the money.
Imagine writing such a biased piece. Shame on you Jemima. Very quick to discredit meat diet studies, but didnt even bother giving an accurate evaluation of vegan diet. The studies you linked supporting vegan diets is BAD science. Not only is their study name clickbait, it has been cited ZERO times. I wonder why that may be… oh yeah, because anyone with a fragment of a working scientific brain would know to not touch this shit with a 10m pole.
I hope you are a strict confomer to an all meat diet. No cheating, don’t take vitamin C or drink fruit juice. You stay strong buddy. Ride it all the way.
You shouldn’t wish ill on anyone. Humans are animals too.
Sorry, You’re right
Was my bad too with my reply to Anon. Low carbers just get under my skin with their pseudoscience. But in the end the ledger is always balanced.
Your autopsy will be educational.
As an physically active, vegetarian/vegan of 20 years with crippling rheumatoid arthritis, leaky gut, skin conditions, daily constipation and depression, I am honestly considering trying the diet.
My current diet would be considered as very healthy. All homecooked food, no takeaways, no processed foods…I even grow my own vegetables! I’m athletic, and at a very healthy weight.
Do I want to eat meat? No. Hell I can’t even remember what it tastes like! I’m probably going to puke.
Am I worried about various vitamins etc? Very much so. I’m on such an info binge at the moment.
Am I worried about giving up my 20 year held label of ‘vegetarian’ and have my friends say ‘told you so’? Probably yes.
Here’s the thing
I am more worried about not being able to hold my children because of the pain.
I am more worried about not being able to ride my mountain bike with my partner, the very thing that brought us together.
I am more worried that I will lose my job as an engineer because I can’t hold a spanner.
I am more worried that the depression will keep me bed bound and not engage with my friends.
The fact is something is seriously wrong with me and my purely plant based diet is not helping. I don’t care for social media, celebrities or fads I just want to feel better.
To my mind, the point of this diet is TEMPARARY ELIMINATION. It is no doubt an extreme diet and should only be attempted if you are suffering the same illnesses as those suffered by the Petersons. Regardless of what I think of their politics, their story of illness is painfully familiar. It’s not a weight loss fad or anti plant-based attack in my eyes.
I could spend the next few years of my life taking out one ingredient at a time to no avail all the while my disease is getting worse daily. I’m 35 years old and could potentially spend the next 50 years suffering….that’s if I’m lucky as those with my condition tend to die earlier than average.
Ruminant meat is the most nutritiously dense SINGLE ingredient food for omnivores. It’s not perfect.. but I see that it is the best place to start. I’m expecting it to be hell at first (giving up sugar was hell!) but I’ll be monitoring it daily and assessing my condition and it symptoms. If it works, even some of the problems go away, it’ll be a success and I can reintroduce other foods backing into my diet. Even now I get emotional thinking about eating a strawberry for the first time after 6 months haha!
Anyway, I know the following comments will be mostly unkind and scathing but that’s okay. What I’m currently going through is much worse.
I don’t even know I’m commenting here. I guess it’s not for any of you, but rather just for me to get my thoughts out of my head. I’m not interested in pushing an idea on anyone. If you way of life is working for you, I’m very happy for you. Mine sadly, is not. So I need to change. We are not same and I believe one set of rules cannot govern us all.
Peace to you all!
First off, discrediting Jordan Peterson is one of the most pathetic things a writer can do. The man is a respected professor and a veritable genius in his field. He never opposed trans rights, he opposed government overreach that was sold as trans rights. Don’t take my word for it – go and read both sides if you are interested.
Secondly, both Petersons have autoimmunity issues that have improved with their all-meat diet. The immune system is incredibly complex and especially so if it malfunctions. If they say their health got better then there is no reason to distrust them. The daughter had bones removed, you’d think that she would know what an improvement of her health would look like.
Not everybody can be vegan,
and that’s just something we’ll have to live with.