Comments on: It’s International Women’s Day – Here’s Why The Future Of Food Is Female Disrupting The Conventional Narrative Thu, 10 Mar 2022 03:32:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Holger Lundstrom Thu, 10 Mar 2022 03:32:58 +0000 I just hope women, in the process of getting “emancipated”, will not just absorb all the worst attributes of men, like egotism, greed and arrogance. It’s very easy to be selfish and to want more power over other people. It’s however much harder to cultivate virtue and practice humility, self-restraint and the ability to listen. Unfortunately these virtues are no longer appreciated in men either, so we might end up with a female future that’s not better at all. But I still have hope that our women do have it in them to rise above those who came before them, not in taking more power, but in using that power with responsibility.
