Vegans will be exempt from COVID-19 vaccinations if their workplaces enforce compulsory policies, according to legal experts.
Moreover, employers may be at risk of legal action if they ‘insist’, reports claim.
Exempt vegans
Under employment law, vegans in the UK will not have to have COVID-19 vaccinations if told to do so by employers – experts say.
It’s come as a host of firms now expect staff to take both jabs – with giants such as Netflix and Google ordering US employees to vaccinate before returning to work.
This also includes all care home workers in England, under government order: unless they have a ‘medical exemption’.
But vegans who oppose will be allowed to, and their bosses could face legal action as a result, Evening Standard reports.
Moreover, a spokesperson for the law firm Lewis Silkin told the Telegraph that ethical vegans who are against the vaccine may be able to claim constructive dismissal if forced to get injected.
‘Some ethical vegans may disagree with vaccinations on the basis that they will inevitably have been tested on animals. Ethical veganism has previously been found to amount to a belief, capable of being protected’, they added.
Changing COVID-19 rules
A host of countries have rolled out ‘vaccine passports’, from the UK to the EU, Israel and China. The pass shows when an individual has been fully vaccinated. Moreover, it allows workers to travel more easily.
Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced UK businesses would be ‘encouraged’, but not required, to use the NHS Covid Pass. This would be in ‘high risk settings’.
Additionally, Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed only double jabbed people can be allowed entry into nightclubs.
But the considerations have been branded ‘discriminatory’ by critics, including MPs.
For example, Graham Brady told Sky News: “Fundamentally, people’s decision on whether to be vaccinated or not must be a personal decision for them to make. Based on their own assessment of the benefits and risks.”
Compulsory COVID-19 vaccinations
Last December, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer came under fire for involving controversial animal testing in developing its COVID-19 vaccine.
However, the vaccine does not contain ingredients derived from animals, and many vegan doctors suggest vegans still take it.
The Vegan Society even released a statement endorsing it.
It reads: “It has never been more important for us to talk about the definition of veganism in the context of medications, including vaccines.
“The definition of veganism recognizes that it is not always possible or practicable to avoid animal use, which is particularly relevant to medical situations.
“In the case of COVID-19, vaccination will play a fundamental role in tackling the pandemic and saving lives. …All vaccines currently are tested on animals.
“At this stage it is impossible to have a vaccine that has been created without animal use.”
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How come living a whole food alkaline plant based lifestyle (which promotes good bacteria and the microbiome supports 70-80% of our immunity), avoiding drinking alcohol,not smoking, and stress management (which those play a big role on your immunity) and getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and taking hot/cold showers and exercise which they do have scientific studies on,isn’t mentioned to improve your overall health and to improve your immunity against any infection including Covid to destroy and learn how defeat it with our natural memory T cells and the antibodies that our bodies make from certain cells provides to detect and kill the virus or infection the next time it comes and the human body love homeostasis and love balance so it doesn’t like something too much or to little it just going to give you what you need to survive. Also how come their not having a holistic approach (nutritional , mental,physical, environmental, and spiritual health) to this issue and finding the root cause of the issue by asking how and why people’s immune systems aren’t effective and dying from covid because our immune system are designed to destroy and learn how to defeat the infection? But again if you have your body in the right condition and have healthy habits in your lifestyle to protect you from dying from the infection there higher percentage that people will survive from it but of course they are not going to have studies on this because it is not going to give the pharmaceuticals and the drug industry profit (money). Also are people who are taking antidepressants, antibiotics and pharmaceuticals that decrease the immunity and people who everyday make unhealthy habits of eating and drinking alcohol, processed food (including vegan junk food) and eating for pleasure and not for energy which is bad be because you need digestive rest and not managing stress is left aside so since they are not looking to that point of view of course they want you to get the jab but also majority doctors and physicians aren’t trained in holistic,natural, and herbal medicine which is their down fall and show that the in the States and living a westernized lifestyle are the most unhealthiest country/society and we spend trillions of dollars to the technology of the health care systems that treat disease and not curing and taking care of the root cause of it and still ranked 37th in health care ranking because people in our society are not educated on being proactive and not being reactive and wait to get the chronic illness which shows in studies shows that they are prone to get the infection and chronic illness. But just understand that they not going to care and not teach us how to live a better lifestyle by eating right (WFPBL/ alkaline ) and staying away from processed foods and drinks, manage stress properly in this stressful world and how to fix our environment, and have a healthy mental and emotional well-being but if it doesn’t make them money it not going to happen and you gotta do it yourself to save your life and extend and have a better quality and quantity of years to you life like the people in Okinawa Japan before it was westernized.
I 100% agree with you!
A healthy lifestyle and diet ( not just plant only ) are indeed a good insurance against most diseases, but, like most insurance policies are not foolproof.
A healthy lifestyle and diet ( not just plant only ) are indeed a good insurance against most diseases, but, like most insurance policies are not foolproof.
Neither is the vaccine !
A vaccine is another form of insurance policy and therefore not foolproof.
A healthy lifestyle and diet ( not just plant only ) are indeed a good insurance against most diseases, but, like most insurance policies are not foolproof.
Because holistic medicine is bulls*t, and people are gullible fools when it comes to circular logic and psychobabble. A majority of mature, adult Americans, irrationally and illogically believe in angels, despite never seeing one. The worst part about this information, is that it’s minced with half-truths.
Why waste your time posting
Your posting is non sense
1. Seven percent of adults in the US think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Now there’s a fair target for your derision.
2. Holistic medicine means more than the selling of expensive supplements – a better definition is that holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person – body, mind, spirit, and emotions — in the quest for optimal health. Better than doctors prescribing yet another pharmaceutical without exploring how it interacts with other drugs, or telling the patient about side effects that may include death.
3. How do you know they’ve never seen angels? Have you read anything about near-death experiences or past-life regressions, or do you apply your judgement about holistic medicine to those things as well?
A healthy lifestyle and diet ( not just plant only ) are indeed a good insurance against most diseases, but, like most insurance policies are not foolproof.
It’s just the latest iteration of the fact that this whole vaccination shebang is not about health – it’s about money, power and virtue signalling.
all of modern medicine is about vurtue signalling. That and speed limits
Agree 100%. I had covid 2 times last year and barely got sick. I have an autoimmune disease, Sjorgren’s, COPD but quit smoking in 2010 and am 66 years old. I am a VEGAN, I am a healthy eater, and all of the things that you state above. You are right, pharmaceutical companies don’t want to hear that.
You have COPD. You’re hardly a paragon of health darling. And no one cares about your rather ridiculous conspiracy theory opinions about pharma companies when you’ve been poisoning yourself for decades
You are poison. Who are you to judge someone ? Someone that has nobely turned their lifestyle into the best diet for humans (plant based) and stopped smoking. Let me guess you’re a meat water knuckle head too. Wanna be macho man right?! Cuz men “need” meat keeps you “strong” don’t it ?!
I follow all of the above health guidelines, yet I still get sick from time to time. We all do! Like others have said, vaccines are insurance & extra protection in addition to a healthy lifestyle. I do absolutely everything in my power to avoid harming animals; however the risk/benefit of boycotting the vaccine bc of animal testing somewhere in the chain of development, vs the very real risk of putting fellow humans at risk of getting COVID from me, is a no-brainer. I’m fully vaccinated.
If we follow a healthy lifestyle, should we not use condoms to prevent STI’s bc our immune system is optimal?!?
One of the most sensible articles i have read in a long time. Thank you.
What this pandemic has clearly demonstrated that fear is and always has been the best method of control.
Many People have lost all sense of self thinking.
What ever the criminals running the establishment say in regards to c-19
Many people just lap it up.
God bless France for standing up to this democratic dictatorship
Nuff said
Because this is not an illness issue. Bill Gate’s father wanted everyone vaccinated by 2030. Now their just forcing their product on everyone. Remember, it’s a product. They’re also turning the next generation of kids into hypochondriacs in schools. I’ve seen countless commercials where the first thing that’s being said is “Covid-19 Vaccines are safe…” They’re not or they wouldn’t have to start with that and practically force everyone to take it.No vaccine even offers immunity by the way. That’s why we’re told to get boosters through out our lives. It’s a product remember?
If this was an illness issue and the people behind this really wanted us to be healthy then we would be hearing how to take care of ourselves like you’ve stated. We’d also not be consuming a whole lot of fear mongering bull shit that keeps us in a low vibration and scared. Being in that state doesn’t allow us to feel safe which makes people easily controlled.
They don’t want us healthy.
It always needs reiterating, as The Vegan Society have done, it’s sometimes untenable to avoid all forms of animal abuse. In this case, the lives of many are potentially in the hands of those which decline the vaccine, and if refusal stems from a misguided, ignorant view on veganism, it’s bad for everyone.
Perhaps down the line a vaccine will be mass produced without animal testing, and if so great, but now really isn’t the time for that debate.
Now is the perfect time to debate the abuse of animals for “animal testing” (except human animals, including murderers of other humans, rapists, thieves… you know, bad people – animals who deserve to be incarcerated).
If someone gets the vaccine and it protects them it shouldn’t matter if someone else declines to receive the vaccine.
If the vaccine is not protecting them from the unvaccinated I’m not exactly sure why they (or anyone else) would take it.
Define “protecting”. The vaccine isn’t foolproof, and those with the vaccine can still catch COVID and suffer the side effects, ideally to a far lesser degree than those without the vaccine.
Evidence also suggests vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the virus if they have it, protecting those more susceptible to COVID regardless of whether they have the vaccine or not.
Ignoring all of that, the underlying fact remains: the vaccines reduce the severity of COVID. The idea we can live in a society where having the vaccine is a choice is inherently selfish as it ignores the effects it has on society as a whole. The NHS has been battered, and the last thing they have to deal with is ingrates on death’s door because they refused a prick in their arm.
>If someone gets the vaccine and it protects them it shouldn’t matter if someone else declines to receive the vaccine.
Wrong. First of all, people who have the vaccine are less likely to be contagious when infected, meaning people who don’t have the vaccine are more likely to spread the virus to people (and in large loads) even if they have had the vaccine as the vaccine isn’t 100%.
Also, the vaccine will help stop new variants appearing because lower transmission means less chance for it to evolve, and the more its evolves the less effective the vaccines become and potentially the more deadly it becomes. The best way to reduce the spread is to have the vaccine.
>If the vaccine is not protecting them from the unvaccinated I’m not exactly sure why they (or anyone else) would take it.
This statement is born out of a misunderstanding of how the vaccine works. It doesn’t stop people from catching the virus, it reduces the chance of someone contracting it, and when they do it reduces the likelihood of severe symptoms. When you have the vaccine, the amount of virus in your body is reduced meaning the amount you can spread is reduced which means there is less chance of someone else catching it. People who don’t have the vaccine have large levels of virus in their body meaning they spread it more effectively and increases the chance of a vaccinated person being infected.
As to why someone would get the vaccine, because it reduces the chance of them getting severely ill. It also reduces the chance of them being able to transmit the virus to their loved one, even if they don’t care about other people.
Vaccines and transmission
How the vaccine works
How viruses spread and evolve
Other interesting reads
Thank you for the reassurance. For a second I was worried my opinion was in fact, not an opinion.
i genuinely am not clear on your position
I hate that term ‘ethical vegan’ because most people seem to think it means that you’re vegan for the animals which implies that an unethical vegan is one that does it for other reasons. Vegan ONLY means doing it for the animals. Being an ethical vegan should mean that you’re vegan but you also do everything else as ethically as possible i.e. avoid buying from companies that damage the environment or have human rights/welfare issues. Semantics do matter!
The definition is “a person who does not eat any food derived from animals and who typically does not use other animal products.” They WHY isn’t a part of the definition. Some people eat a vegan diet for health or environmental reasons, while others, myself included, are ethical vegans and do it mainly for the animals. Whatever ones reason, there are countless benefits.
Folks, if your natural anti-bodies are optimal, which incidentally a plant-based diet promotes, it is felt in your confidence and thus your immune system may, for want of a better term, ‘negate’ any form of synthetic anti-bodies we are obliged to receive.
“Viruses do not grow on foods; they are simply carried by them” as the 2016 article at the link states. Given Covid-19 is a meat-borne pathogen, carnists are unwittingly putting diesel in their Ferraris. Hence common-sense dictates a meatless and dairy-free diet are the best protection we can adopt, at least for the duration of the scourge.
By the term “carnist” I presume you are talking about the human population over the last 300,000 yrs or more? Please note that all of the healthiest societies in the world tend to be “carnist” to some degree. I’m sure you are a very enlightened person, you just need to come terms with the fact that equally enlightened people may not share your views or terminology.
It cannot be considered enlightened to kill people because you want to eat ribs and rump roast for dinner. Oh, right, you’re trying to convince people that it’s ok to incarcerate, abuse, and kill every single other animal species, except human animals.
What a load of indoctrinated clap-trap! So you consider yourself superior to the millions of Subsistence Farmers, Pastoralists and Hunter Gatherers merely because you live in a pampered world that supplies you with all your needs. These people never incarcerated or abused any animals and only killed what was needed for food and clothing, unlike modern enlightened man.
So, you take their lives nicely, do they volunteer their bodies for your consumption or do you just pay people to kill for you? No… being wants to be abused and slaughtered….none.
By the term “carnist” I presume you are talking about the human population over the last 300,000 yrs or more? Please note that all of the healthiest societies in the world tend to be “carnist” to some degree. I’m sure you are a very enlightened person, you just need to come terms with the fact that equally enlightened people may not share your views or terminology.
What’s a “carnist”? I presume you mean normal human being.
This play safe to anti-vaxers is disgusting.
Get vaccinated!
Being sceptical towards / against one specific vaccine does not make someone an ‘anti-vaxer’. Do you swallow everything your government shoves down your throat?
You can be sure that whoever tries to make other people get a vaccine will also believe everything the government/media shoves down their throat.
Here we are, in the year 2021, where everyday normal people who have NO idea of anything related to health science, will promote a vaccine that they have no monetary share in and know nothing about, all for the benefit of big pharma, who until last year used to be a notorious “bad guy”.
Vaccines are for self-protection only. The coronavirus you spread is in your mucus, and from there you breathe it out in the form of aerosols. The virus in your mucus doesn’t care about your vaccination. The antibodies in your mucus are IgA, and are not affected by vaccination.
what is your highest level of scientific training?
Unless you’re a respiratory consultant/pulmonologist kindly stop spouting off about things
It is absolutely none of your business or concern what other people decide to do medically and with their own bodies–take care of yourself. And, by the way, check out the VAERS government website and see how many people have died or had adverse reactions after having this shot. We have no idea what will happen, in the future, to people who have had these shots. (You don’t know if I’ve had this shot and regret it either!)
It is absolutely none of your business or concern what other people decide to do medically and with their own bodies–take care of yourself. And, by the way, check out the VAERS government website and see how many people have died or had adverse reactions after having this shot. We have no idea what will happen, in the future, to people who have had these shots. (You don’t know if I’ve had this shot and regret it either!)
It is when it effects everyone else.
It does not “affect everyone else”. You have been suckered into believing a false narrative. Also, what happened to the United States being a free country? YOU are helping to make this country into a fascist one when you are putting your nose into the business of others.
If the vaccine protects you it shouldn’t matter if someone else decides not to get vaccinated.
all medicine is crap. Shut the fuck up with your pro vaccine bullshit
intresting how this proves my theory on segragation creeping in our worlds, I don’t share my views ie race politics etc to anyone yet here in the UK esp its deemed acceptable to lable people anti this or conspircay theorist that, distrubing state of affairs, yet in essence I’ve done my own research into jabs & while I won’t say my own perosnal thoughts I fidn it creepy that its become acceptable to bully to coerce & discriminate agaisnt the very thing we built our world upon – asking questions & freedom, so before you criticise think about this:our forefathers fought for freedosm in wars, in time of hardships & in effect many people are guilty of taking those pro choice pro freedoms aways from us, I saw only today in chicago about the murders via the “deaths” from you know what. 3 to 1 ratio…???!!!
Also just to put a ! point on it, I’ll quote
“At this stage it is impossible to have a vaccine that has been created without animal use.”
I rememebr asking a well known sicence forum this last August & I was told its not up for discussion & I was banned. funny how a young adult such as myslef is becoming disllusioned with the world thats full of … well lairs & untrustworthy peeps in effect, just saying…
full kudos to PBN for making this article & the lady who wrote it.
Why dont they just test it on paedophiles?
I don’t understand the specific issue. Is it that some vegans are refusing the vaccine because it was tested on animals? If so, then presumbly, one would have to take the same stance for all pharmaceutical science. Pain killers, contraceptive pills, statins, beta-blockers, valium…. the lot.
Yes, unfortunately true.
As far as the vaccines, some use squalene from sharks’ livers. They say it’s all from bycatch or sharks ‘harvested’ for their fins, but that is no excuse.
Pfizer and Moderna do not use shark squalene, so when I got the vaccination, it was Pfizer.
Well Not ALL medical practices were learned by testing on animals,
Herbal remedies and holistic healing, and Reiki, arvadic medicine, are and were practiced and honed into a science by HUMAN testing.
These “OLD WORLD” remitys are often safer, although slower.
Infact all medications are derived from plants and were originally tested for safty on humans, not lab animals.
AND vaginal health professions were tested on African Americans first… not animals…
Even without the ethical reasons for avoiding the vaccine, it appears that the vaccine destroys your natural antibodies and ties you in to an endless booster regime. If you’ve had the virus – your natural immunity trumps all other options. The vaccine takes that away.
Well – ALL drugs are tested on animals. Surgical procedures have been tried on animals first.
So pelase don’t use medicine AT ALL if you are so concerned or else you are just an egoistic hypocrite.
Black and white thinking if I’ve ever seen it. Very limiting. Fortunately, rational people don’t fall into that very often.
Good idea, on the whole pharmaceutical drugs just damage the liver and kidneys (sometimes also the brain) and do not cure disease. Good diet and a healthy lifestyle are more effective than drugs which should only ever be a last resort.
Surgical procedures are dangerous and often result in further injury or even death and should also be avoided except as a very last resort.
tx Dr
That is actually not true…not ALL are tested on animals. Also, yay for cannabis options!
It’s a theater, nothing is true they are paid to say this information, and as you can see plant base news promotes this, it’s clear why they do it but it’s a separate topic already
Hi Andries,
Please note we were not paid to publish this article. We are merely reporting on the facts.
it’s a theater, nothing is true they are paid to say this information, and as you can see plant base news promotes this, it’s clear why they do it but it’s a separate topic already
Hi, thank you for your comment,
Please note that this is a news piece and not a promotion or opinion.
Doesn’t matter if the vaccine is vegan. Get it. We prevent far more suffering if we stop disease spread than if we worry about two picoliters of egg in our arm, or whether a rat also got the shot. I am a vegan, and I proudly got the vaccine, as I get all vaccines. I sleep fine at night.
The Vaccine is tested on animals. They can not concent. How meany animals were killed, caged, and sociology harmed in the making of vaccines?
If you are Ethically vegan, then you can not take ANY vaccines.
The flu vaccine has eagle eye cells and baby pig spleen, and the cells of an aborted human baby boy that they have been propagating since 1970s.
GOOD NEWS: according to the case of Chenzira v. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, the court recognized veganism as a protected religion, exempting one from vaccine mandates.
So Honestly, if you were very sick and needed a life saving drug (that had been tested on animals as they all have) would you say no and be happy to end your life knowing you are an ‘E’thical vegan…..?
dont go to hospital ever for any reason ever then
Vaccines give immunity initially but this immunity weakens over time because the virus has adapted to the
vaccine creating variants. Torturing animals or any other creature has to be a red line for everything. Would we accept the opposite in any form? Like maybe leave some lions in a school to see what happens?
Some scientific facts:
Dr Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccines is totally against Covid vaccines as, as he says, the cause “escape mutants” and can have detrimental effects on many people. The effects are not immediately
Luc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize winner in Medicine for the discovery of the retrovirus HIV has been warning thatit was vaccination that gave rise to the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2
mutations not the “unvaccinated people”.
Israel has one of the highest COVID-19 vaccination rates (over 60 percent are fully vaccinated, and 25 percent have already had a booster), and yet is also leading the world in daily rate of new infections. The majority of the nearly 700 Israelis currently hospitalized due to COVID-19 are fully
vaccinated against that virus.
Is it a coincidence that mutations started to appear when the vaccines rolled out? For about a year there were no mutations.
Australia has had 974 COVID deaths since Jan 2020. That’s about 49 deaths a month. The average age of death from COVID is 85 years old. There areless than 100 deaths from COVID for the under-70’s. From 25.3 millionpeople….less than 100 deaths. By comparison, the COVID vaccines have only been rolled out in the last 5 months. The TGA in Australia monitors vaccine deaths and adverse reactions. So far the TGA has documented 448 deaths and 45,884 injuries from the COVID vaccines. If you do not believe me, go download the report yourself. You can pull a report off the database by searching for “TGA DAEN database”. Search for the word “COVID” for the three COVID vaccines. In summary there are 49 deaths a
month from COVID in Australia, compared to 89 deaths a month from the COVID vaccines. Plus 9,176 COVID vaccine adverse reactions/injuries per month. But the COVID vaccines numbers will really take off over the next 12 months, as the mRNA spike proteins cause micro blood clots and
inflammations over time.
Source: Australian Government site:
Select the acceptance box In the “Select Medicines” field type “COVID” Tick all three vaccines that appear from the search Move down to “Select Date Range” and fill in the dates Use Jan 2020 to August 8 2021 (that is the latest date) Hit “Search” and wait for results to compile Hit “Print version of this report” It opens up a PDF you can save locally
I totally respect anyone that wants to take the vaccine but, unfortunately, fear-mongering hast turned people against each other. We have forgotten what it means to respect free will because of mass
Plant Based News,
I would encourage a more balanced stance on this. If someone deems their personal risk to be low from covid (e.g. they are fit, young, take vit D and zinc supplements, and have previously had covid with no problems), they should be well within their rights to refuse the vax without judgement. Of course veganism is avoiding animal harm as far as possible – for a low risk person, that would include avoiding this vax. For a vulnerable person, they would take it. Its a personal decision influenced by risk factors, not a one size fits all. Moreover, the vax isn’t risk free and efficacy starts to wane after some months. Are we going to continue endorsing animal victimisation for a jab that doesn’t offer long term protection?
Finally to those who say ethical vegans shouldn’t get any vaccines if they don’t get this one – this vax is NEW. So by receiving it you are accepting the animals sacrificed. Other vaccinations are old technology that is no longer killing animals.
Doctor Garth is so not studied at all on this particular vaccine….there is no much evidence now that shows this does go through the whole body…..there have been so many side effects and adverse reactions, even deaths related to this vaccine. Please read up in Dr Geert Vanden Bossche…..he has major issues what this vaccine is going to have on your body….there is so much more information available now since this video was down.
ICAN decide website has ALL of the evidence on their website….