A man claiming to be a butcher has taken to Twitter to laugh about the fear animals feel before being killed at the slaughterhouse.
The social media user made the comments in a thread about an all-vegan butcher that is set to open in London.
Vegan butcher
Rudy’s Vegan Butchers, which will be based on the corner of Islington Park Street and Upper Street in North London, will open on November 1.
It will stock a range of vegan meat products, for instance charcuterie options. These will include plant-based smoked ham, salami de Provence, pepperoni, and pastrami.
Other options include animal-free alternatives to ribs, lobster salad, bacon, burgers, chicken liver pate, and Christmas turkey among others.
While many in the vegan and flexitarian community have expressed excitement, the announcement has caused some controversy among meat-eaters.
Among them is vegan-baiting Piers Morgan. The T.V host took to Twitter to discuss the upcoming outlet. He wrote: “A vegan butcher’s shop… and people wonder why I’ve written a book about the world going nuts.”

One Twitter user who responded to Morgan’s tweet claimed he was a butcher, and made a joke about animals defecating in fear before being killed at slaughterhouses.
He wrote: “I’m a butcher and this really irritates me. What the heck can a vegan butcher sell. We sell vegan sausages alright (carrots to you and I). Also the slaughterhouse has [its] stock of vegan food. It’s the cowpat burgers that come out of cows ar*e before they get butchered, lol.”
Another user responded by sharing a picture of workers beating an animal alongside the quote, writing: “Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.’ Albert Schweitzer.”
The butcher replied: “This kind of disgusting behavior is not excepted in most slaughterhouses. Don’t judge the many law abiding factory workers by the idiots like this out there. All Factories should have in-house vets (health and safety approved)to monitor the animals and workers.”
‘Plant food is the future’
Debate raged online over whether or not a butchers can be vegan; but many were in support of the upcoming shop.
One user wrote: “The world going nuts is the reason for a shop like this. Plant food is the future otherwise we won’t have a future at all. Simple really.”
Rudy’s Vegan Butcher
For those interested in the outlet, Rudy’s offers a delivery service for customers living outside London, via its website.
The brand says: “If you can’t make it to London, don’t worry! You can order Rudy’s Vegan Butcher goodies ONLINE & we deliver nationwide.
“All online orders made on World Vegan Day include a FREE pack of baycon.
“Remember to pile your online basket high with homemade scramble v-egg, soysage patties & bloody delicious black puddin’ to go with that free baycon.”
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I subscribe to PBN. Why did they publish this knowing it would evoke indescribable anger from vegans and anyone with a heart. I hope the butcher is proud of himself and his lack of heart. Meat and Dairy are on their way out. And I don’t give a damn about P. Morgan’s opinion on anything. Patties, burgers, hotdogs, sausage….they are now made from farmed animal meat that still holds the negative, fearful emotions of that animal or they are plant based. Get used to it until they are made only from plants. Everything changes.