While many nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors are involved with the meat and dairy industry, there’s a growing number of experts going against the ‘norm’ and promoting the power of plant-based diets.
Consequently, learning about the benefits of an animal-product-free diet has never been easier. So without further ado, here are five plant-based experts you should know about (if you don’t already.)
PS. All of the experts listed below will be speaking at the 2020 Food Revolution conference – a free nine-day event running from April 25-May 3.
The summit will present the most up-to-date research and information about food, nutrition, disease prevention, immune health, and environmental stewardship.
You can sign up for the free event here
1. Dr. Greger
Author of How Not To Die and creator of NutritionFacts.org, Dr. Greger is arguably the holy grail for plant-based nutrition. During the coronavirus (COVID 19) crisis, Greger has publicly debunked misinformation about vitamin C, and launched a webinar called ‘How Not to Die in a Pandemic’.
2. Dr. Barnard

Founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and author of The Vegan Starter Kit, Dr. Neal Barnard is often at the forefront of protests – whether it’s demonstrating outside a McDonald’s against its ‘bacon hour’ initiative, or calling for legislation to be put in place banning the sale of animal-tested cosmetics.
3. Dr. Fuhrman

Celebrity doctor and author of Eat To Live Joel Fuhrman began advocating for a ‘micronutrient-rich diet’ following a serious injury that ended his figure skating career. He says an ‘alternative medicine therapy’ helped speed his recovery and led him to become a physician
4. Brooke Goldner

Bestselling author of Goodbye Lupus Brooke Goldner is a board-certified licensed physician who developed a nutrition-based treatment for her own autoimmune disease. She also features in pro-vegan documentaries Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead and Vegucated.
5. Ocean Robbins

Ocean Robbins is an American entrepreneur, professor, and author, best known for co-founding Food Revolution Network. Ocean and his father John’s mission is ‘helping people harness the power of food to improve our health and the health of future generations’.
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All content and media on Plant Based News is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
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